Refrigeration system accessories

Iran Sarma tube ice machines are designed to produce solid tubular ice pieces of uniform size with longer shelf life. These machines are manufactured as per ASME code for high energy efficiency and low maintenance. The Freezer (Low side components) is mounted on a sturdy steel frame.

Stop valves

Iran Sarma manufactures fully fabricated as well as casted ammonia valves from 1/2"inch (15MB) to 6" (125 MB) size.

Liquid level gauges

Iran Sarma Liquid level glass in ductile steel which meets the strictest requirements on inductrial and marine refrigeration installations

Non return valves

These non return valves can be used with ammonia and other non flammable refrigerants for ensuring correct direction of flow

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No.253, Ghaedi Brothers St.,
North Saadi Ave., Tehran, Iran



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